Players in life's drama. . . .

In every reading I've done lately, we are being asked to look at our accountability.  How are we responsible for our actions, our choices and our role in every situation we are involved in?  Can you look at your choices and see how and why your life is where it is?  It is very easy to point fingers and push the blame on the incompetent boss, lover, friend, co-worker or spouse when in reality we must look at our ongoing role in the drama.  Shakespeare said:

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

William Shakespeare, "As You Like It", Act 2 scene 7

In this quote, we find that the world is our classroom, our stage and our learning center.  The people in our lives are actors and actresses who are reading lines, fulfilling or not fulfilling a part in order to help us learn, evolve and grow.  In growth, there is wisdom.  Wisdom comes to us when we become accountable for our actions in the drama.  We may embrace or reject someone and their part in our lives, but it all enfolds as it is destined to for our highest growth.  The desire to be accountable means we are willing to look at our choices.  We are willing to accept that sometimes we make good choices and other times bad choices, but they are OUR choices.  Through wisdom, we see that no one forced us to make this decision or that choice.  On the other hand when we are unwilling to be accountable, we come from a place where we unconsciously make choices without regard to why we are doing what we are doing and a lack of care for how our behavior affects others.